Commit Messages


  • removed custom pathnames
  • updated sitemap creation logic
  • added canonicals to all pages
  • removed grade calc and url shortener placeholders


  • added translations to pomodoro tool and resource pages
  • added favicon and og image
  • prettified .ts files
  • updated sitemap with all paths including locales
  • added title and description meta to all tools, removed some meta from layout

24.04.30 - Exchange Rates, Quotes Finder

  • added Exchange Rate Calculator, Quotes Finder
  • added Scientific Symbols to command-menu (copy onSelect)
  • added svg icons definitions for german states
  • started implementing Grade calculator (states.ts, abitur-calc)


  • sitemap.ts now includes all pathnames
  • added changelog
  • added missing tool pages with announcement banner
  • made ScrollToLink optional
  • mobile nav sheet displays tools


  • added styled About sections for currently available Tools (with scroll button)
  • updated commands.ts which now is used on all navigation components
  • added h2 descripiton to page-layout
  • UX improvements (profile faker)

24.04.28 - Profile Faker

  • updated symbols.json with metadata & /symbols UI
  • added social media profile-faker tool

24.04.27 - Emoji Wiki, Scientific Symbols, Pomodoro Timer, Subscription Cost Calc


  • and updated
  • emoji, services and symbols json
  • multiple new routes

first commit